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About Us

本社 〒163-1030 東京都新宿区西新宿3-7-1 新宿パークタワー N30階
支社 〒485-0048 愛知県小牧市間々本町123番地 BB komaki 3F
支社 US Warehouse; 8912 NE Alderwood Rd. Suite 20624 Portland, Oregon 97220 USA
三好 フェルナンド
2001年 (平成13年) 4月 2日
平成29年度 2億1,600万円
平成30年度 2億1,900万円
令和2年度 1億9,600万円
令和3年度 2億100万円
三井住友銀行 五反田支店
三井住友銀行 麹町支店
三菱東京UFJ銀行 四谷三丁目支店
東京都公安委員会発行 古物商許可証 第304362120717号
一般第二種電気通信事業届出 A-17-849


2001年 東京都新宿区歌舞伎町にて創業。
2003年 東京都新宿区三栄町に移転。 
2005年 愛知県名古屋市に支社(実店舗)【NewSky名古屋店】をオープン。 在日ブラジル人向けイベント『第3回エキスポ・ビジネス』に商品展示ブースを出展。 来日したルイス・イナシオ・ルーラ・ダ・シルバ ブラジル大統領(当時)の訪問を受ける。 岐阜県美濃加茂市に支社(実店舗)【NewSky美濃加茂店】をオープン。 NewSkyブランドとしてパソコンケース(NS-300TN/NS-600TK)を発売。 累計販売台数1万台を突破するヒット商品となる。 
2006年 低価格IP電話『SkyVoip』サービスを開始。 在日ブラジル人向けイベント『第4回エキスポ・ビジネス』に商品展示ブースを出展。
2007年 【NewSky名古屋店】と【NewSky美濃加茂店】を統合し、愛知県小牧市に【NewSky小牧店】としてオープン。
2008年 東京都新宿区四谷に本社移転。 
2011年 来日中のブラジルプロサッカーチーム『サントスFC』のチームメンバーが【NewSky小牧店】に来店。
2012年 来日中のブラジルプロサッカーチーム『コリンチャンス』のチームメンバーが【NewSky小牧店】に来店。
2015年 東京都新宿区西新宿(現住所)に本社移転。 EcoShineブランド設立。 『AguaMirai Professional』、『AguaMirai Forte』、『AguaMirai Protect』を発売。
2016年 外国人顧客登録数(国内在住)が3万人を突破
2017年 NTTドコモのLTE網を利用したMVNO(仮想移動体通信事業者)サービスを開始

Since April 2001, we serve the foreign community in Japan with excellence; we have the best quality products and advanced technology services, same quality offered to the local market. The experience gained throughout this period, allowed us to align efforts and become the market leader in the electronics and export model computers segment inside Japan. 

With a team of qualified professionals, great partners and suppliers, NewSky ® headquartered in Tokyo, every day expanding its market, has a beautiful showroom in Komaki, in Aichi Prefecture, and support points in Brazil and the United States besides the various virtual stores, in order to satisfy customers from Asia, Europe and the United States.
In the most famous corner of the region (between routes 41 and 155), we are pleased to welcome you into an ideal place to show our products and clarify all your doubts for you to make more than a purchase, but accomplish you desires with comfort and piece. We currently retain the title of “More accessed virtual Portuguese shop in Japan”, we reached the ranking among 400 sites across Japan, according to
Taking advantage of our popularity and participation in various cultural and technology events, plus our advertisement always being very daring, many in the community already recorded NewSky ® in their memory. And to repay all the attention we have always had, we participate in big events, encouraging various events for the foreign community in Japan and approaching VIP’s to the community.



Newsky on Social Networks





2012 – E.C. Corinthians in Japan: NewSky ® sponsored and interacted with the most passionate football fans in Brazil, “Gaviões da Fiel”. We took to the players of Corinthians in concentration the necessary comfort to make their purchases towards the World title.


2012 - Standup 3tosterona: Aiming the entertainment of foreign communities in Japan, Newsky brought the show featuring Luiz França and Robson Nunes to Komaki. We use all of our Showroom structure to provide an evening of laughs and happiness to our customers.


2012 - Miss Japan Nikkei: Event sponsored by Newsky ®, which offered prizes for categories Miss and Mister Nikkei and infantile categories. There was also a raffle for an iPad, offered to visitors at the main pavilion.


2011 – Santos F.C. visit: Santos F.C. took their team players and between the interviews and training to compete in the FIFA World cup, they visited NewSky at Komaki‘s Showroom and took the opportunity to make their purchases before the big game!


2007 - Inauguration of the showroom Komaki: A new beautiful and spacious place to greet the entire region and support you with the respect and quality that the foreign community deserves! A huge step to strategy evolution and logistics development.


2005 and 2006 - ExpoBusiness: Always with innovative products and services, NewSky ® made presence in some editions of this great event among the community, where we had the opportunity to meet some VIP of Brazil, such as President Lula.



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